To request a SSL certificate follow the instructions on the Request a Certificate page.
How long will the setup take?
After the required information is received, your request should be processed within two business days. However, a domain outside of * may take several days for InCommon and Comodo to verify the university’s ownership of the domain on the initial setup. New sub-domains added within previously- defined high level domains are normally available for certificate requests once setup is completed by the IAM certificate administration staff.
Are wildcard certs supported?
Are code signing certificates supported?
Not at this time, but may be available soon.
How long can certificates be issued for?
For one-, two-, or three-year periods from the time the certificate is issued. Certificates cannot be issued for odd periods of time (i.e., a week or a month.)
What domains are currently validated by InCommon for university use?
* and * This is a moving target since IAM will add these as needed for units needing other odd .org and .com domains at various times.
Can I get certificates for sites in my unit that use a .com or a .org or OTHER domain?
Yes. The validation process for your domain will require work with your IT director and the IAM office. Validating domains outside of * will take several days. Additionally, the domain must be used for official university business.
Is there a WIKI to reference certificate information at the university?
Where can I find out additional information about InCommon SSL Certificates?
The InCommon Web site offers some tutorials and a user guide. Please note: the university may have elected to process items in a particular fashion, slightly different to what is presented on the InCommon Web site.