
DSA and Approver Authorization Forms

DSA Authorization Form (PDF). This form is used to designate a Department Security Administrator (DSA) for your area, or to initiate a change to authority for a DSA in your unit. This is is also the form to submit when your DSA is no longer serving as the DSA for your unit. This form must be filled out and signed by the appropriate vice president, dean, director, or department chair.

Important: The first section ‘Department Information’ indicates the departmental authority area that will be added or removed. The second section “Other Instructions”, should always be filled out to clarify intent.
– New DSA
– Add to existing access
– Switch access (Removes all existing authority and replaces with authority specified in first section)
– Delete from existing access (removes just the authority specified in the first section)

Approver Authorization Form (PDF). The individual you authorize as security role approver will have very important responsibilities. Using the Access Request System, approvers will review and act on requests made by Department Security Administrators (DSA) to grant or remove access to administrative computer applications for people in their department, college or division.

Conflicting Role Definition Forms

Conflicting Role Defintion Forms are reserved for use by senior core office and audit staff.  (Note: The majority of these requests will require the use of Form 1.)

  1. Conflicting Role Definition Request Form (doc)
  2. Co-Conflicting Role Definition Request Form (doc)

Service Provider Forms

These forms are used to request the establishment of a service provider that can use a Shibboleth-based UF GatorLink Authentication service. UF GatorLink Authentication allows for Web based applications to accept GatorLink credentials.

Forms available here

New ARS Role Forms

These forms are used to request the creation of new ARS roles. It will require determining the appropriate ISM, Data Classifications, Approver Group, P-Level, and more.
You may need to look-up the appropriate ISM. You can use this page to help: Find ISM

Non-PeopleSoft Role Template
PeopleSoft Role Template