
Budgets Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
This is an end user role for access to view and update budget information in UF Hyperion Budgeting at the college level.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PST954 UF Hyperion Budgeting

UF_N_BP_COLLEGE_VIEWERThis role will grant access to view budget information in UF’s budget software at the college level.
Password Level (3)
UF_N_BP_DEPT_PLANNERThis role will grant access to view and update budget information in UF’s budget software at the department level.
Password Level (3)
This role will grant access to view budget information in UF’s budget software at the department level.
Password Level (3)
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Core User

Role NameDescription
UF_BP_BOG_UPDT_FPUFPU BOG SCD/EMPL File Update -- Can view or update only FPU data on the BOG SCD/EMPL tables using the SCD Review Pages.  Can also access the Run Control Page to manually upload only FPU data to the BOG SCD/EMPL tables.
Password Level (4)
UF_BP_BOG_UPDT_UFUF BOG SCD/EMPL File Update -- Can view or update data for all Reporting Institutions (UF, FPU, FLVC) on the BOG SCD/EMPL tables using the SCD Review Pages.  Can also access the Run Control Page to manually upload data for all Reporting Institutions to the BOG SCD/EMPL tables.
Password Level (4)
UF_BP_CONTROLThis is a core office role used by the UF Budget Office to administer UF Budget Preparation. The UF_EP_USER role must also be requested along with this role in order to access the Budget Prep application.
Password Level (4)
UF_EP_RCM_BDG_SETUPThis role allows access to administer and update the system configuration for RCM dimensional roll-up values within the warehouse.  This role is restricted to staff of University Budgets and Finance and Planning within the Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.  It will require extensive knowledge of UF’s RCM modeling, RCM organizational structure, Board of Trustees reporting requirements, and Board of Governors reporting requirements.
Password Level (4)
UF_N_BP_BUDGET_ADMINThis is a core office role for the UF Budget Office which grants administrator access to UF Hyperion Budgeting.
Password Level (4)
UF_N_BP_SYSTEM_USERThis role will grant system user access to the server for UF’s budget application.  It is restricted to core office staff for budgets who are responsible for running scripts on the server.
Password Level (5)
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Role NameDescription
UF_BP_SUPPORTThis is a role used by core UF IT staff to provide support for the UF Budget Prep application. The UF_EP_USER role must also be requested along with this role in order to access the Budget Prep application.
Password Level (5)
UF_N_BP_DATA_ADMINThis role will grant data administrator access to view and update budget information in UF’s budget across all colleges and departments.
Password Level (5)
UF_N_BP_REPORTING_DATA_ADMINThis role will grant administrator access to develop and configure ETL jobs which will Extract, Transform, and Load budgets data into the data warehouse.
Password Level (5)
UF_N_BP_SYSTEM_ADMINThis role will grant system administrator access to UF’s budget software.  It is restricted to ERP Infrastructure staff who are responsible for performing upgrades and maintenance of the software.
Password Level (5)
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