Student Information System – COMPASS

Academic Advising Roles

End User

Role NameDescription

Users with this role will be able to view degree audits, but not post exceptions.  This is often used by part-time staff in advising offices.

Access Includes:

  • Advisee Student Center
  • Academic Requirements (Degree Audit) without ability to post exceptions
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PVO100 - Academic Advising in myUFL

Conflicting Roles:



Users with this role will have access to view audits, post advising notes, create degree audit exceptions for students, and assist in the writing of degree audits (in the development environment). This role is typically given to 2-3 academic advising users per college.

Access Includes:

  • Advisee Student Center
  • Update Advising Notes
  • Academic Requirements (Degree Audit) with ability to post exceptions
  • Ability to update degree audits in the QAT Audit Development Area (coming in August)

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic plan(s) in which the advisor can post exceptions for student.

If an advisor is approved for this role, they will also require the UF_AA_EXCPT_ADVISOR role.  They should also be assigned the UF_CS_PP_MASK_SSN role in order to view dates of birth.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PVO100 - Academic Advising in myUFL

Conflicting Roles:


UF_AA_EXCPT_ADVISORThis role is required by users that have the UF_AA_AUDITWRITER or the UF_AA_POSTEXCEPTIONS roles. Without it, advisors will be unable to post exceptions.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PVO100 - Academic Advising in myUFL

Conflicting Roles:

UF_AA_EXCPT_ADMIN (required along with UF_AA_SUPERUSER)

UF_AA_EXCPT_ADVISOR_GRAD (for Grad School advisors only)


Users with this role will have access to view audits, post advising notes, and create degree audit exceptions for students.

Access Includes:

  • Advisee Student Center
  • Update Advising Notes
  • Academic Requirements (Degree Audit) with ability to post exceptions

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic plan(s) in which the advisor can post exceptions for students.

If an advisor is approved for this role, they will also require the UF_AA_EXCPT_ADVISOR role.  They should also be assigned the UF_CS_PP_MASK_SSN role in order to view dates of birth.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PVO100 - Academic Advising in myUFL

Conflicting Roles:



Users with this role will be able to view degree audits (but not post exceptions) and post advising notes. This is often used by part-time staff, administrators, or faculty members who review student records and record interactions, but do not make degree audit exceptions.

Access Includes:

  • Advisee Student Center
  • Update Advising Notes
  • Academic Requirements (Degree Audit) without ability to post exceptions
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PVO100 - Academic Advising in myUFL

Conflicting Roles:


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Demographic Data Access Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_CS_PP_MASK_SSNThis role provides viewing of full dates of birth in the myUFL Student Information System (SIS), but prohibits viewing of SSNs.  Requests for this role require approval by the Division of Enrollment Management who will determine a person’s business need on a case by case basis.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

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MyAdmissions Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_ADM_CERT_COLLEGEThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for college-level certificate application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_CERT_DEPARTMENTThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for department-level certificate application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_GRADUATE_COLLEGEThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for college-level graduate application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_GRADUATE_DEPARTMENTThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for department-level graduate application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_GRADUATE_SCHOOLThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for graduate application reviewers at the Graduate School.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_POSTBAC_REVIEWERThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for postbac application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Bascis

UF_ADM_PROFESSIONAL_REVIEWERThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for reviewers of professional applications.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_TRANSFER_REVIEWERThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for transfer application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_ADM_UFO_COLLEGE_REVIEWThis role provides access to the MyAdmissions system in myUFL for UF Online college-level application reviewers.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

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Student Admissions Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_AD_TE_DEPARTMENTThis role provisions access in the myUFL Student Information System for employees in colleges/departments to perform tasks related to transfer evaluation and credit articulation process.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

ADM001 - Course Transfer Evaluation

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

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Student Financial Aid Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_FA_EXT_EXT_AWD_UPTThis role allows college, department, or unit scholarship administrators the ability to submit institutionally managed scholarship award information to the Office for Student Financial Affairs (the financial aid office). Awards can be added, updated, or cancelled on/from student's financial aid award files.
Password Level (4)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

SFA100 - Reporting College and Department Scholarships

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Student Financials Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_SF_FEE_OUR_UPDATEThis role is restricted to users in the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). It allows OUR to remove late registration charges assessed to a student. There is no other component to this role.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_SFA_REPORT_VIEWThis role allows access to view end-user student reports.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_SFA_REVIEWThis role is for SFA office staff, providing the user with 'inquire' and 'view only' rights to pages in Student Financials.
Password Level (3)
UF_SF_SI_VIEWERThis role allows user access to view service indicator codes and reasons.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_STUDENT_ADMIN_VIEWThis role allows user access to view various Student Self Service pages.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_STUDENT_FINANCIALS_VIEWThis is an end user role granting access to view data in Student Financials that would be helpful to users not in Core offices.
Password Level (4)
Training Requirements:

BRS001 - Student Financials in myUFL Part 1: Overview

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

PRV804 - Protecting Social Security Numbers & Identity Theft Prevention

UF_SF_TPC_EXTRThis is an end user role granting access to process Third Party Contracts limited by external organization row level security.
Password Level (3)
UF_SF_TUITION_FEE_VIEWThis is an end user role granting access to view current-term tuition and fee summary, information previously available on 'Screen 21' in the Student Records system.
Password Level (4)
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Core User

Role NameDescription
UF_SF_SI_MNGRThis role grants access to core office managers to mass assign service indicators to Organizations and Persons. The user will also have the capability to place and release one student at a time. There is an additional level of security related to this role. Row level security for service indicators will allow the user to place or release only those service indicators that he/she has security.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_UFO_OPTFEE_ADMINThis role is for users in the Center for New Student & Family Programs (NSFP), this role allows access to the pages in PeopleSoft where they can view and modify enrollment in the Optional Fee Package for UF Online students. User also needs SOPT 3C Group Security to send enrollment notifications.
Password Level (4)
UF_SF_UFO_OPTFEE_VIEWThis role is for users in the Center for New Student and Family Programs (NSFP), this role allows access to the pages in PeopleSoft where they can view enrollment in the Optional Fee Package for UF Online students.
Password Level (3)
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Student Records Roles

End User

Role NameDescription

This role is for users who manually add and/or release service indicators.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics

UF_CC_STUDENT_HLTH_VIEWERThis role provides authorized users access to view immunizations and health tests in the myUFL Student Information System.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end-user role that allows the ability to block enroll students.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process


This role will allow viewing of class rosters in the myUFL Student Information System (SIS).

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic org(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end-user role that provides access to the enrollment request navigation for college level users who register students.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process


This is an end-user role that provides access to the quick enroll navigation for college level users who register students.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process


This is an end-user role that provides access to the term activation navigation which is where users can override the unit load for an individual student.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process


This is an end-user role to provide view-only access to the course catalog in the myUFL Student Information System.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic org(s).

Password Level (3)
UF_SR_CRSE_SCHED_VWThis role provides view only access to the course offerings for a particular term in the myUFL Student Information System.
Password Level (3)
UF_SR_DEGREE_CERTThis role provides authorized users access to certify degree candidates.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end-user role that provides access to the enrollment request navigation for departmental users who register students.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process


This is an end-user role that provides access to the quick enroll navigation for departmental users who register students.

This role requires enrollment security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR003 - The Registration Process

UF_SR_GRAD_STAFF_USERThis is an end-user role for graduate coordinators and staff who update graduate majors, minors, degrees, concentrations, degree attributes, and milestones.

This role requires the following security setups:

  • SIS Academic Security - GRAD career and program(s)
  • Field of Study - whatever the user was instructed to request after going through the GIMS approval process
  • Additional setups by core office for program actions and milestones
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended, but not required:

GRD001 - Graduate Committees and Milestones

PRO337 - Student Program/Plan Maintenance

UF_SR_PREVIEW_USERThis role is appropriate only for the very limited staff in the undergraduate advising center who manage the seat reservation and release process for Preview.
Password Level (3)
UF_SR_RESIDENCY_VWThis role provides authorized users access to view student residency data in the myUFL Student Information System.
Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end-user role which provides departmental schedulers access to the class roster.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic org(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end-user role is for to provide the ability mass assign or release service indicators.

This role requires service indicator security setup by the core office.

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end user role granting access to the Student Group navigation in order to maintain students groups in the myUFL Student Information System.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for student group(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR001 - Maintaining Student Groups


This is an end user role granting access to the Student Group navigation in order to view students groups in the myUFL Student Information System.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for student group(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

OUR001 - Maintaining Student Groups


This role will allow viewing of the Student Service Center in the myUFL Student Information System (SIS).

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic career(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:

PRV802 - FERPA Basics


This is an end user role granting access to the Student Program/Plan and the Student Services Center in the myUFL Student Information System to perform tasks related to student advising.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for career(s), program(s), plan(s), and academic org(s).

Password Level (3)
Training Requirements:


PRV802 - FERPA Basics

Recommended for now, but soon to be required:

PRO337 - Student Program/Plan Maintenance

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Core User

Role NameDescription

This is a core office role to provide view-only access to the course catalog in the myUFL Student Information System.

This role requires the SIS Academic Security setup for academic org(s).

Password Level (4)
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