Web Content Management

Web Content Management Roles

End User

Role NameDescription
UF_N_EM_ENROLLMENT_VIEWThe purpose of this role is provide access to the enrollment profile web site.  This site will contain multiple breakdowns of termly enrollment data.
Password Level (3)
UF_N_VPN_WCM_WEBDAVThis role will be assigned to system or site administrators in the UF web content management system to provide VPN access to the WCM WebDAV for import of content when new sites are added to the system. It will be assigned to a user only for the time needed to accomplish this task. The user must also have either the UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_SYSTEM_ADMIN or UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_SITE_ADMIN role.
Password Level (3)
UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_AUTHORThis role provides access to web site authors within the UF web content management system to:
  • Add, modify, and delete content
  • Add files to Media Library
Password Level (3)
UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_PUBLISHERThis role provides access to web site publishers within the UF web content management system to:
  • Add, modify, and delete content
  • Add filed to Media Library
  • Add, modify, and delete sections
  • Approve and publish content
Password Level (3)
UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_SITE_ADMINThis role provides access to web site administrators within the UF web content management system to:
  • Add, modify, and delete content
  • Add filed to Media Library
  • Add, modify, and delete sections
  • Approve and publish content
  • Create and modify assets and workflows within assigned groups
Password Level (4)
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Role NameDescription
UF_N_VPN_WCMThis role allows users access to Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection with the WCM (Web Content Management) servers.
Password Level (5)
UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_SECURITY_ADMThis role grants access to maintain user access to the UF web content management system (CMS). Access should be granted to a SELECT FEW number of employees who are in positions of special trust.
Password Level (5)
UF_N_WEB_CONTENT_SYSTEM_ADMINThis role grants access to administrate the UF web content management system (CMS). It provides access to configurations that can directly affect all users of the CMS, and administrators should be extensively trained in the system before access is granted. Access should be granted to a SELECT FEW key technical contacts across campus.
Password Level (5)
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